Contact the Contessa Entellina Society:
To Contribute Photographs, Videos, Historical Sources, have a story to tell on camera/wish to be interviewed for an article, etcetera for this website or the Italian American Digest newspaper, or if you are a member in good standing (pay dues every January) & would like your business on the business page free of charge:
Contact the Contessa Entellina Society Historian:
About Dues or to Donate Financially/Leave the Society in your Will:
Eligibility for Membership mainly comes in 3 ways
1 Male descendants retaining eligible surnames found on our Tab – “Our Tree & Crests“
2 Now sons of daughters of the above bloodlines are eligible.
3 Our sister organization “Contessa Entellina Heritage Association” accepts those whom are of bloodline descent, but are not yet eligible, such as female members, widows of members, grandchildren of eligible members, etcetera.
2023 Officers:
President – Anthony (Tony) John Foto
1st Vice President – Joe Tortorich
2nd Vice President – Anthony (Tony) Cuccia
Secretary – Andrew John Schiro
Treasurer – Michael A Schiro Jr
Historian – Justin Lance Schiro
Marshal (Flag & Banner Bearer) – Mitchell Foto
Marshal – Joseph Schiro
Sergeant at Arms – Alan J Clesi
Sergeant at Arms – Bernard (Benny) Monteleone