History & Religion

The Tomb was renovated in Gasper Schiro’s final year as President 2021; many years ago it was renovated during his father’s presidency.

Greek-Albanians (Kingdom of Epirus), Schiros from Skyros – Greece, and Albanian warriors fought for The Church against the Ottoman Turks (who spread Muslim culture by the sword).
In Albania, the years long fight failed, so Pope Nicholas 5th granted us passage to Sicily along with our royal titles and permission to establish towns (to the seven royal families) – we owned land in those days = royal; we even had Albanian/Epirus ≈shamanic practical applications of esoteric knowledge that may be lost if we don’t go back to the highlands from which we came to try to recapture that important powerful knowledge…

Dresses were embroidered with actual gold thread in patterns.
The Greek influence was from seafaring entrepreneurial traders.
The Greeks have a wealth of esoteric knowledge too.
Italian influence integrated when living in Sicily for a few hundred years before the slaves were freed in America (united States), when the plantation owners of the greater New Orleans area paid passage for skilled Sicilian farmers to come work the plantations; after two years of service many of us left the plantations to open groceries, bakeries, etcetera in New Orleans and beyond. Also, famine from world war two brought many Sicilians/Italians to New Orleans.

If you live in Jefferson Parish and have a library card, this title is available via “hoopla” in audio-book form and e-book form. “Hoopla” is one of the Library system’s computer applications to check out material from your personal device.
I had to stop listening to this audio-book; the Muslims raped mothers in front of daughters & then the daughters in front of the mothers. Aspects of war aside, a lack of social integration between males and females must make it very difficult in Islamic culture to function as a civilized society; I have heard from students studying in the u.S. from Arab areas that boys and girls go to separate schools, and the weaker boys get sodomized/raped as a normal part of their culture; also, that it is true that religion is supplied by the sword; clearly this is a threat to humanity & national security.
“Defenders of the West” mentions a quote (Luke 22:36) Jesus said, ≈if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one…something to that affect.
I am (Justin Lance Schiro) of the opinion that one way to help the society of man is some form of ≈psychology in education, not to manipulate, but to educate young minds and to reinforce in minds of every years of the education system globally that respect and love of one another is important. Meditation in schools is paramount as a scientifically proven method of bringing coherence to all brain cells, improving behavior, scores, etcetera. Mass Meditation reduces global negative events during the time of mass meditation, so when schools practice meditation in each different time zone around the world, we create a global system to bring humanity to coherence.(VeganMonastery.org) In Japan the first years of education teaches manners without being graded. We need Mr. Fred Rodger’s good work back in the lives of “children”(“kids” are baby goats = physiological warfare operations) and on mainstream platforms, and we need mass meditation centers to bring coherence the global consciousness. Can diplomatic talks bring any solution to Muslims who believe in murdering all non-Muslims wherever found? At some point we have to choose either war or transmutation & ascension (alchemy of the soul) before expiration of the body to a higher plane, which comes with higher powers, or authorize through mass prayer for higher forces to come to our aid. Do we need a mighty force of monasteries to save the world or a mass culture of meditation, prayer, and purity to influence the unified field into coherence?
In Italian (Front)
In Italian (Front)
Back – This Symbol is very important; it is the image of a photon before science imaged it, the Light Body. I write about this important symbol on my other websites, which can be found in the Business Tab.
Notice the ancient symbol in the center of Yehoshua’s chest. (Experts state that “Jesus” clearly was not Yehoshua’s original name. The Bible states the name “Emanuel”.) The point is that The Church was eventually taken from its original focus and teaching of ascension, that we have God Light within Us to ascend…transmutation of the body into Pure Light through Meditation, Purification, and Prayer; the value system must be on purity, not what is Caesar’s or Nero’s.
In the region of Tibet, this transmutation of the flesh into pure light is called Rainbow Body Attainment or The Great Perfection. In other cultures such as Sufism, it is known by other names such as The Diamond Body.
Always remember the the Shroud of Torin proves the Ascension no mater what authors write about the existence of Yehoshua (Jesus).
This image was taken from Gaia, a subscription service for those who want to watch meaningful and inspirational programing for the soul; this was from a presentation by William Henry, who’s works I highly recommend. I also highly recommend watching Freddy Silva‘s presentations, one of which is on the 900 year history of the Knights Templar, in which Portugal is shown to have purposefully misspelled “Portugal” on a coin for the meaning of its misspelling that is the (Jesus & Mary Magdalene’s Bloodline = The Grail) (Por Tu Gral) still being protected in Portugal.
In Italian (Front)
In Italian


Jefferson Parish Regional Library
2nd floor Italian Research Library
West Napoleon Avenue
Metairie, Louisiana

More on Religion:

Those of us whom are Schiros may wish to dig deeper into the Byzantine Orthodox Church &/or Greek Orthodox Church.
The Byzantine Orthodox Church allows married priests, which I am personally very happy about. Joyce Lucas Schiro was of the opinion that priests should be allowed to be married.
It is my understanding that both churches (Byzantine and Greek Orthodox) in Contessa Entellina have married priests.
Most of the original disciples were married.
Many including William Henry have written books about & argue that Jesus was married & that the host of a wedding is responsible for providing wine to the guests. Was the wedding at Cana Jesus’ wedding? It was completely normal in those times, & I believe still is in the Jewish faith, for Rabbis to marry.
Many things have changed from the times of the original Church of Jesus, the Christ. What is important is the search, the dominant thought, and state of purity through meditation, prayer, and communication / daily relationship with the Saints, Jesus, & the Angels to attain the true goal here on Earth, the transformation of human into Angel, just as Metatron did. – to become perfect

What I like about the Byzantine Orthodox Church is that the mass is entirely sung with the exception of the homily. King Solomon sung his prayers. Frequency/pitch in song is cause & effect… I like the icon tradition; one is supposed to gaze & reflect; quantum physics has proven that we become what we see. Beware of the “Programing” watched on television; choose wisely.

This was not a typical service; the Church was between Priests, and the Deacon preformed a special service for that circumstance.

Asked of the Priest of Greek Orthodox Church at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral:
Is the Greek Orthodox Church considered Byzantine?
This was the reply:
Yes, see the following excerpt from Wikipedia:

“Historically, the term “Greek Orthodox” has been used to describe all Eastern Orthodox churches, since the term “Greek” can refer to the heritage of the Byzantine Empire.[2][3][4] During the first eight centuries of Christian history, most major intellectual, cultural, and social developments in the Christian Church took place in the Byzantine Empire or its sphere of influence,[4][5][6] where the Greek language was widely spoken and used for most theological writings. The empire’s capital, Constantinople, was an early important center of Christianity, and its liturgical practices, traditions, and doctrines were gradually adopted throughout Eastern Orthodoxy, still providing the basic patterns of contemporary Orthodoxy.[7][8][9] Thus, Eastern Orthodox came to be called “Greek” Orthodox in the same way that Western Christians came to be called “Roman” Catholic. However, the appellation “Greek” was abandoned by the Slavic and other Eastern Orthodox churches as part of their peoples’ national awakenings, beginning as early as the 10th century A.D.[10][11][12] Thus, by the early 21st century, generally only those churches most closely tied to Greek or Byzantine culture and ethnicity were called “Greek Orthodox” in common parlance.[13]

Greek Orthodoxy has also been defined as a religious tradition rooted in preserving the Greek identity.[14] In 2022, U.S. government estimated that 81-90% of the population of Greece identified as Greek Orthodox.[15]

What I like about the Greek Orthodox Church is that one gets to settle into a nice 2 hour long service, which allows one the time and environment to attempt to tap into a spiritual state of consciousness.
Again, this tradition also sings the mass, in Greek.

In this book Jesus traveled to Tibet region visiting monasteries, where His visit was documented due His extreme uniqueness; he was known in these monastic texts as Issa. I may not have memorized the correct spelling, but I’ll double check & update.
When state officials visited these monasteries to fact check this information asking to see the texts, the monks denied access & existence of Issa because the monks knew that these state officials were not interested in truth, but in their own agenda.