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The Bread Lady of New Orleans“, Margaret Haughery, is one of my heroes; this woman, for me, exemplifies the reason to generate wealth. She gained the skill of baking bread. After loosing her family, she had saved enough money to buy a failing bakery, made it successful, and supported orphans with the proceeds, leaving everything to the orphanage in her will.

We support a scholarship program that currently grants 1-2 students each year some money for university. Usually, one scholarship goes to an opera student. Students must be of Italian descent to be eligible. The Italian American Federation of the Southeast facilitates the annual grant.

Hopefully, we can add an annual fundraiser to expand our benevolence.

Aim of the Society:
“The aim of the society is to promote and increase the devotion for the great protectress, Most Holy Mary of Favara: to unite in fraternity all the sons of the beautiful Contessa Entellina; to protect each other and help each other: to assist and succor all its members within its means and its possible limits.”

To place “the Society” in your will or Donate “to the Society”, contact ContessaEntellinaSociety@gmail.com, our Treasurer, directly.  Gmail is not secure, so send mail to:

Care of Michael Schiro, Treasurer
Contessa Entellina Society
P.O. Box 7713
Metairie, LA.  70010 🙂

Be specific; we have a separate fund “for the preservation of the tomb” 🙂 Thank You 🙂
